Antonio Machado

Today we note the birth date of Antonio Machado (July 26, 1875 – February 27, 1939), Spanish poet and one of the leading figures of the Spanish literary movement known as the Generation of '98.

His work, initially modernist, evolved towards an intimate form of symbolism with romantic traits. He gradually developed a style characterised by both an engagement with humanity on one side and an almost Taoist contemplation of existence on the other, a synthesis that according to Machado echoed the most ancient popular wisdom.

I’m Dreaming About Paths

I’m dreaming about afternoon
paths. The golden
hills, the green pines,
the dusty oaks!…
Where will the path go?
I’m singing,
traveler along the trail …
(The afternoon is falling)
“In my heart I had
the thorn of a passion;
I managed to rip it off one day;
I no longer feel my heart. “And the whole field for a moment
remains, mute and gloomy,
meditating. The wind sounds
in the poplars of the river.
The afternoon grows darker;
and the path that zig-zags
and softly turns white,
becomes cloudy and disappears.
My song wails again;
“Sharp golden thorn,
who could feel you
nailed in the heart.”

--Antonio Machado



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